I simply wanted to do a fetish that was unique to Cid and Vincent. I saw a lot of hot pictures, like Vincent in fishnets and maid's outfits, or like Sexy Cid in a thong *_* And great, *hot* fanfiction. (I personally didn't vote for my picture, I would never do that in a contest. I always thought it was cheating.) I just wanted to look for a thought that was original and unthought about, but something that was special to the couple. And then I asked myself, what does Cid like most aside from Vincent? And then I was like, cigarettes! And I have to thank the movie C.R.A.Z.Y (a Québec production, yay QC for the world!) which is actually about this gay guy who is trying to find out his sexuality and new personality and what not! But seriously, that's not the point! >.<>
Anyways! Feel free to send comments my way ^^ I always appreciate the critiques, even if they aren't always positive. I take constructing comments all the time! they actually help me get better. And some words are better than not at all, or so I like to say ^^
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